lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

El secreter de los Roentgen

RoentgensBerlin Cabinet
The meteoric rise of the workshop of Abraham Roentgen (1711–1793) and his son David (1743–1807) blazed across eighteenth-century continental Europe. Its innovative designs were combined with intriguing mechanical devices to revolutionize traditional French and English furniture types. From its base in Germany the workshop employed novel marketing and production techniques to serve an international clientele. The Berlin secretary cabinet was owned by King Frederick William II of Prussia (1744 - 1797).

El meteórico ascenso del taller de Abraham Roentgen (1711–1793) y su hijo David (1743–1807) arrasó en la Europa continental del siglo XVIII. Sus diseños innovadores se combinaban con fascinantes dispositivos mecánicos llamados a revolucionar los tipos tradicionales de muebles franceses e ingleses.
El secreter Berlin fue propiedad del rey Federico Guillermo II de Prusia (1744-1797).

Have a nice day.
Feliz día

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